Michael’s “social identity” as a musician was formed as a singer and accompanist in high school choir and chamber singers. There he learned about the power of beautifully performed music to create a shared “home” for people who would otherwise have remained separated in cliques or alone. Thinking music an impractical career path, he studied biology. After college, however, music called him back. Working at an outdoor environmental education school, he found his musical skills in great demand. This led to music education work in many schools, while outside of his day job he found more “homes” in jazz jams, folk-rock duos, a much-loved a cappella group (VocaMotion), the Rock Shabbat Band at Temple Beth El, and many other places. His most treasured roles have been those that have combined his artistry with his love of community and healing. These have included supporting one of the area’s most powerful, Black-led institutions, Inner Light Ministries, as choir accompanist for 12 years, and composing, recording, and performing a set of music (“Great Big Love”) to inspire hope and action in the climate crisis.