
What if our trash woke up and found out that we are the creators of trash? 

What if our trash found out that we are on a path to our own self destruction?

Can trash creatures (puppets) joyfully wake us up?

How can we learn to work together across our political divide to mitigate the cascading climate crisis? 

First we will make The Sapiens proof of concept project consisting of three ten minute episodes.

Episode I: One artist will be assigned to a conservative household and another to a liberal leaning household.  Each artist will engage the household members in making puppets from their trash. 

Episode II: A couple of weeks later the gibberish speaking puppets (with puppeteers) will spend an afternoon with each of the families.  The households will be encouraged to try to figure out what the trash is trying to communicate.  The trash puppets will love and respect their gods, the family as they are.  And they will be curious about the family's trash and carbon waste and come to the realization that their gods are on a path to extinction.

Episode III: The differing households will meet each other at a picnic and share about their experiences with the trash puppets.  Meanwhile the trash puppets will caucus together to try to find a strategy to save the Sapiens from their own consumption.  

Can our trash move us from worshiping things and our egos to caring for each other and our planet? 

When the trash puppets learn that their gods, The Sapiens are on a path to extinction because of trash, they have a conundrum on their hands!  How does trash communicate to the blindered but Holy Sapiens that life as they know it is about to end?   Given the need for the Sapien gods to consume a lot less trash, to stop trashing the earth, to stop killing off species every day, stop diminishing forests and stop sending trash toxins into the atmosphere, are the trash creatures willing to sacrifice themselves for their Sapien gods?  Are Sapiens redeemable? 

This proof of concept film and project is currently in the development phase. I am looking for a co-producer and other collaborators and investors.

“Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don’t know what they want?” ― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

The Sapiens will be a community project and episodic reality TV show/documentary staring trash puppets who see us, The Sapiens as their gods for we are the creators of trash.  They will embed with  Sapiens from liberal and conservative households in communities across the United States.